Verily I say unto you all: Arise and shine forth, that thy light may be a standard for the nations; D&C 115:5

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Vinyl Signs For Sale

Wendi Moore is selling wood vinyl signs. She has some that are black with a white tree and underneath it is says Hold to the Rod. Underneath that is an iron rod that is detachable for an object lesson. I would like to sell them for $25 a piece. They are 5" tall and 12" long (not including the rod attachment)
Also, for anyone with sons or daughters on missions, or others who may just want a AZ temple tile with their family name on it, there are some where over the top it says Families are Forever and underneath the temple it will have their family name. It is $20 They can use a tile that matches their decor or go with a generic white or black.
You can go to her website for more and for pictures:
Also, for contact, here is her email: or you can call her

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