Verily I say unto you all: Arise and shine forth, that thy light may be a standard for the nations; D&C 115:5

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Crib For Sale & Cabin Trip

I have a crib for sale. I'm asking $50 or best offer. Attached are the pictures of it. It does include the mattress and any crib sheets I have. There is a lilttle paint damage along the side - as you can see in the picture, but make me an offer and it's yours.

Also, I'm going to my grandparents cabin from the 13th through the 18th if anyone would like to join me. Yes, that's father's day weekend. I'm giving the gift, that I want for Mother's Day, time by oneself. It's where we had our retreat last October. You can bring your kids and we can work out food or just provide for ourselves. For those that haven't been up there it is 2 hours from Chandler and it's northeast of Payson (approx. 5300 elevation), so usually 10-20 degrees cooler than here!

Michelle Speaker 480-993-3739

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