Verily I say unto you all: Arise and shine forth, that thy light may be a standard for the nations; D&C 115:5

Monday, July 14, 2008

Hard Red Wheat

Costco has sealed buckets of Hard Red Wheat from Lehi Roller Mills - very good quality. I think each bucket was around $28. It's only here on a trial basis in Arizona - limited time only based on how well it sells.
Since the cannery is only offering certain products each month, I wanted to get the word out in case any of you need wheat - remember there is a global shortage of wheat........Salt Lake City Distribution Center even approached Lehi Roller Mills to see if they had any available to sell to the distribution center - i.e. there really is a shortage

1 comment:

jholladay said...

Do you know which Costco's have the wheat?